Thursday, December 29, 2011

Halloween in Costa Rica

Monday, October 31, 2011
So after multiple plans fell through for our Halloween night, Amanda and I decided we should just have a party at the house that she and Rossi were house sitting. The house was right on the beach and had a pool. 

Rain on the pool
The party was small but fun. We had 4 of us girls living in the San Miguel house plus Nicole (Playa Caletas coordinator) Rossi, Amanda and one of the bartenders, Mariano.

Hot Wings
We were hoping for a day in the sun at the pool, but unfortunately October didn't let us down. So we spent Halloween watching the rain fall from the safety of the overhang and eating some of Rossi's fantastic, but incredibly HOT chicken wings.

After an afternoon of fun, Maddie and Naomi returned to the Flying Scorpion for the night. Where Rossi treated them to a hotel room and some of his yummy homemade ice cream While Nicole and I stayed in the casita located right next to the pool and also enjoyed the luxury of a real house and bed.

Once again we were back to reality early and ate breakfast at home and were back to work by 10 am.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Day at the Pool

Since returning I have decided to finish posting stories of my time in Costa Rica. While in Costa Rica the internet was just too slow and I had a couple problems with my computer so it was too difficult to post. Now that I have returned back to the States and have a few free minutes I will continue writing from where I left off.

Wednesday, October 29, 2011

Naomi explaining what happening while I was counting and
opening the unhatched eggs.
As October has been coming to a close the rain has been slowing down unfortunately for Hannah, one of the volunteers who spent a month working with Pretoma, the rain stopped right as she was leaving. Anyways we received a call from an US ex-pat, Zene, who is married to a Costa Rican, Henner, inviting us to their gorgeous eco-hotel up on the top of the hill over looking Playa San Miguel. Her family is in town and she wanted to show them the turtles. Lucky for them we had exhumations to do and there were babies to see.

Cristal Azul Pool overlooking the beach
Maddie, Naomi and me in the pool.
After a couple hours on the beach we hopped in the car took a bumpy ride up the hill to the beautiful resort. When we got there they had a beautiful spread of calimari, mussels, ribs and beer for lunch. After an afternoon in the pool, we got hot showers!

Then Zene and Henner offered for me to stay in one of their hotel rooms that overlook the beach. It was amazing because it was my first night in a big bed without sand in over two months.
Enjoying Calimari in the pool.

Cabinas overlooking the beach
In the morning I was awoken by the most beautiful sunrise. Then I went out to the pool to enjoy my book when breakfast was brought to me. I sat there thinking "I like living on the top of the hill". Sadly I had to get back to reality and was driven back down to the beach by 10 AM.